New Church Vision Statement

Our revitalization team has been working over the past several months to better define our values, purpose, and vision. We believe that God has a unique purpose for Christ Community Church within our community. Through a combination of survey feedback from our church body and direction from our leadership and the C&MA, we started by identifying our core values.

Core Values

  • Relationships

  • Family

  • Truth

  • Community

  • Meeting People Where They Are

These values have helped provide a framework for determining our goals and mission. Our new vision statement is:

Connecting the Truth to Life.

This vision statement will help to guide what we do and how we do it so that we can best serve our church body and our community. Over the next several months, we hope to implement new ministries & methods that will be in keeping with our church’s new vision.

If you have any questions about this or the revitalization process, please contact one of our elders or contact


Outreach Ministry: The Chosen