Serving our Church.
We have several opportunities to serve within our church. God has equipped each of us in a unique way in order to grow His Kingdom.
“…the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” - Ephesians 4:16
Serving our Community.
While missions abroad are a foundational part of our Christian Missionary Alliance, we also strive to make a mission field of our very own Excelsior, Minnesota. Our local communities are where we begin to build on our faith and strengthen our own beliefs.
Serving Abroad.
Being a part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance church, we have a great passion for missions. It is our primary goal to share the gospel of Christ with people. We support missions abroad with every donation to our church, with our time of serving, and with our prayers. The Great Commission from Matthew 28:16-20 is our mission, to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations.
Find out more ways to help serve the community here at home, or abroad by reaching out to us.